Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A few more pictures...

Big Girl!

I heard about these baby chairs at Grace's daycare. She had been struggling to pull her self up into the sitting position for about a week, so I asked my mom to pick one up for us before she came up to visit. She really likes it! She looks so big in it too!!

She had another doctor appointment last Friday. She is 13.13 lbs and 25 inches long. Grace has grown about 5-1/2 inches and gained about 5 lbs in 4 months. She's in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for length. Not too shabby!!!

Grace also had to have another series of shots. She did better this time. She was so tired she only screamed for about 5 minutes before she fell asleep. Poor little girl! At least she's finally over her cold and ear infection.

Good Vibrations

We have been shopping lately in the toy department of Wargels-R-Us and ended up with a toy that we bought for Gavin when he was a baby. It is a little vibrating Ernie head. Grace was so funny with it - she kept putting it in her mouth and her whole face would vibrate!

Her first tooth is starting to come through- we can actually feel it today. I'm sure the vibrating Ernie head must have felt good :)

Luck O' the Irish

Our little Leprechaun

We had a great St. Patty's Day in Petoskey - Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Megan came to visit!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Throw me a bone!

Today was Gracie's bath day. She started to outgrow her baby tub so we have just started bathing her in the big tub. She seems to like it and enjoys splashing around. She has a cold so we have just been hanging around at home this afternoon. All of the schools in the area were closed today due to the snow. It's just snowing lightly right now, but I think we're supposed to get more. We are dog sitting Karen's dog Mia this weekend so that should be interesting. I have to go pick Gabby up from school pretty soon and then we are meeting Cathy, Mike and the boys somewhere for dinner. Have a good evening!

To Grandmother's house we went....

Here are some pictures from last weekend's trip to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We had a great time visiting and even got to see Aunt Barb who flew in from Montana for a long weekend. Although, I just noticed there are no pictures of Grandma and Grandpa...We were also able to see some good family friends and play a few games.
