Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fall pics (so far)

Today at the Oden Fish Hatchery...Brrrr! I can't believe I had to break out the winter gear!!

Last weekend at Pond Hill farm. We went on a hayride and saw the farm animals :)

Rowing to the island at the Lower Falls

We had a family getaway to the UP about 2 weeks ago and rented a "mini" cabin in Newberry. It was perfect! Heated, bathroom, refridgerator, microwave...all the necessities for traveling with young children. They had a blast and so did we! We went to Tahquamenon Falls one day and then the GarLyn Zoo the next day. It was great!!


Here are some of the pics from Karen & Kyle's (Matt's sister) wedding. They just got their professional photos back so we have some great family shots I will post when I get them. It was the first saturday of June and on the bluff overlooking Lake Michigan at a golf course in Harbor Springs. Beautiful, but FREEZING! It was in the lower 50's and we were freezing our butts off!!! At least it didn't rain though :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

It's about time! (I know, I know)...

Big girl bike!

You can call me Captain Landon

a rainy night at the fair

Mackinac Island trip...I wish I would have taken more pictures! (We were a little busy with these two!!!)

We finally found a back-up night-night (thanks again Kel)!

more zoo fun

Grace had packed for a trip to go see Daddy (who was away for work)

John Ball Zoo
Wow. I can't believe it is already October! Where did the summer (and spring for that matter!) I apologize for being SO TERRIBLE about updating the blog!!!! We had a lot going on with Karen's weedig (that we were all in, and I designed the invitations, programs, etc.) and then jsut being outside with the kids when not in work etc.

Anyway, I'm going to pick some highlights from the past SEVERAL months to post below. I will definitely try to be better now that summer is over!
