Sunday, April 15, 2007

My two front teeth...

I had to put some shots of Grace's teeth on for everyone to see- they're so cute!
We had a big weekend- Matt's parents (Gracie's Nonnie & Papa) came back from Florida. It is great to have them back, we all missed them! They got home late Friday night so we all went out for dinner on Saturday to Bobs. We hung out again today when everyone came over to our house for dinner.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Extra pictures

Since I have not been too good about posting lately- it seems we are always busy these days- I have a bunch of extra pictures. Everytime we see Megan she takes about 5 million!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sunday Best

Here's Gracie in her Easter dress! We went to Grand rapids for the weekend which was really fun. We Went on Thursday (in the SNOW) but it was nice to have all day Friday. Grace & I met my friend Erin for breakfast on Friday and she brought her 2 boys. It was great to catch up and see Jack & Mikey. Then we spent some time with family friends who stopped by- it was great to see them again! On Saturday Grandma & Grandpa babysat so Matt, Megan and I could go to a movie. We saw Blades of Glory which was hilarious! If you're in the mood for a funny movie- I'd highly recommend it! We went to church on Easter and Grace did a pretty good job. I did have to walk out for a few minutes when she got a little too vocal, but overall she did well.
