Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The Birthday Boy this morning

1 year ago...

The day he was born...2 years ago today! I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BABY IS TWO!! Time sure does fly by!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUDDY!!!

Birthday party

Here are some pics from Landon's Birthday Party last Saturday. We had to go with a sports theme since the boy is completely obsessed with every type of sports ball! I was able to find some really cute stuff for the prize bags too; usually it is a challenge. I made the cake again this year and I have to say it turned out pretty cool. The pictures are a little out of order, but at least you can get the jist. We weren't sure how things would go since he had been sick that week, but was feeling much better on Saturday. He had a great time and got some great gifts. Thanks to everyone for coming!

Fun at Beba & Grandpa's

The butterfly gardens

Grace liked looking at the btterflies, but she did not want them to touch her! She was a little freaked out when they got close :)

We went to visit Beba & Grandpa a couple of weeks ago. Matt planned a little evening getaway for us and they watched the kids with Aunt Megan's help. We also squeezed in a trip to the Meijer Gardens to see the butterflies!

DDR fun

We recently bought Dance Dance Revolution for our wii and set up a little "tournament" with Gavin's extra dance pad one sunday eveneing when the family was over for dinner. The kids really had fun with it!

Recent Randoms

Here are some recent miscellaneous pics from late winter/early spring. We took the kids to the bowling alley/arcade a few weekends ago and they had a lot of fun! There are lots of pictures of Grace dressing up. She is quite the little dancer; actually a mini-me! I used to get dressed up and put on "recitals" all the time for my family :) Now we just need to get her into a dance class and she will be all set!

More Florida Pics

I have been looking for these pics since we got back from FL and finally found them. There are some great shots of the kids with their cousins having a blast in Florida :)
