Monday, July 30, 2007

My blue-eyed girl

Just a few pics from today, and a couple from last week of Gracie and her daddy in front of the bay. She's getting so big! Grace is grabbing our hands and pulling herself up - pretty quickly too! It won't be long now before she is cruising around on all of the furniture. She is also super close to having her two top front teeth in. They have been trying to push through for over a month, poor thing! She's handling it pretty well though. Grandma & Grandpa are coming to visit this weekend so we are looking forward to seeing them again. Next time it is our turn to head back to GR.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

First trip to da U.P., eh?

My parents, Megan and my uncle from FL came to visit so we thought we'd do the cheesey tourist thing and take them to Mackinaw City and across the bridge (Dad, Meg, Uncle Andy and Grace had never seen the bridge or been to the U.P.). So we decided it would be funny to stop at Castle Rock and climb it. It was exhausting! Especially carying an extra 20 lbs in that heat! Luckily about 3/4 of the way up there was a bench so Grandma & Gracie waited there while the rest of us climbed to the top. We have a couple of cool pics from the top of the straits of Mackinaw.

Ride Em' Cowgirl!

Another post with miscellaneous pics. It seems like we've been nothing but busy lately. Anyway, here are some pics of Gracie trying out her "new" pony, playing on her boppy pillow, standing (and walking with assistance) and drinking juice all by herself out of a sippy cup. I can't believe she is getting so big- 8 months already!!!!!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Quick update

We've been so busy lately, I just wanted to take a quick minute to update some pictures of Gracie. We have lots of family in town/coming so there's sure to be some great pics. Stay tuned!!!

Happy 4th everyone!!!!!!!
