Monday, August 27, 2007

It's about time!

First fireworks! (the re-do for Festival on the Bay)

Thumbs up for boating!


It's about time that I got some pics posted again! These are from a few weeks ago. We've had a lot going on lately. I'm sure everyone knows by now, but Gracie is going to be a big sister in the end of March. It happened a little sooner than we planned, but we're very excited to expand our family! I should have lots of pictures to post after this weekend, we're headed to see Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Megan in Grand Rapids for Labor Day weekend. Enjoy the holiday!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Afternoon at the park

Eventful weekend

Grace & Aunt Karen

Matt celebrating his big 3-0 with Gabby & Wyatt

Mom & Wyatt

Gracie's new face

We had a busy weekend. My parents came to visit and we celebrated Matt's 30th birthday! Grace has been coming up with new things every couple of days. This weekend it was sticking out her tongue and shaking her head no. This little girl cracks me up!!!
