Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Story time

These pictures were taken last week when it was really hot out. It felt like it was about 85 degrees in the house, so we stripped Grace down to her diaper. She seemed pretty comfortable!
Grace sure loves her books!! She's so funny - she likes to hold them and turn the pages.
We had a nice Memorial weekend. Friday we went to Bob's, and Saturday Matt, Grace & I worked on our yard. Well, Grace mostly watched from her megasaucer, but she was content playing on her own for a while. Sunday we finished our yard and Monday we went for another boat ride. Hope you all had fun!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beautiful Day!

Here are some pictures of Gracie and her big cousin Gabby. I picked Gabby up from preschool today and Karen met up with us so we could all go on a picnic by the waterfront. The weather was beautiful! The only problem was there are tons of little bugs by the water right now, so we ended up by the river instead. It was still fun though!!
Grace had her 6 month appointment on Monday, here are her updated stats:
17lbs 1 oz (70th percentile)
26 1/4" (70th percentile)
She did pretty well with the shots this time and calmed down within a few minutes, but it is still so hard- I just hate that part!!! At least she won't need more for a while.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Six months

Grace is six months old today! Wow, the time flies!! I can't believe she is half a year old already!!! I caught a good shot earlier today during a snooze and this afternoon at Nonnie and Papa's house. She has discovered Club crackers and man- you do not want to let her run out of them!! She will let you know how she feels about that! Anyway, I thought the pictures of her eating today were so cute because she was such a mess. She also had a special treat for dessert- her very own bowl of vanilla ice cream. She sure liked that!!!
I had a great first Mother's Day today. It felt a little more "real" this year, since I was pregnant last Mother's Day. The Guys made us moms a nice meal with no complaints :)
Happy Mother's day everyone!

First Boat Ride

Grace went for her very first boat ride on Friday. We just went for a quick spin around the lake and she did NOT like her life jacket!! She'll have to get used to it this summer though. It was a great day and we had lots of fun!! By the way, her daddy took all of the pictures, that is why every picture is of Grace and me.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Little Cutie

Here are some cute new pictures of Gracie! The first 3 were professional photos that we have been trying to get for a while. By the way, she has had 2 more teeth pop in sice the last post. She is also starting to sit up alone and roll over. Now Grace can pick up cheerios and get them in her mouth. She's getting SO BIG!
