Monday, October 20, 2008

Fall Fun

Finally I was able to update some pics - it has been bugging me for awhile! Here are some miscellaneous photos from the last 2 months. The kids are always keeping us on our toes, but we wouldn't have it any other way :) Grace is talking like crazy and always cracking us up as we approach her 2nd birthday in November (where does the time go?). Landon is sitting up, scooting and rolling so it won't be long before he is crawling all over the place. He has lots of teeth now - 6 to be exact! He just had his 6 month checkup at the doctor and he is 26 lbs 4 oz, 29 1/4" long. He is in the 99th percentile plus (off the charts) in both height and weight and his head is 95th. We already knew he was a big boy, but at least he's proportionate!

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